This argument would certainly be totally correct if the author wanted to introduce a theory which claims to be solidly correct in every detail. But this is not spirit and purpose of this paper. Otherwise, for example an equation or a universal principle that can be used to derive all the other special cases should be at the beginning of all considerations. This is not what we claim. First, it is generally very difficult for the reader to follow such a method. Secondly, this paper does not claim in any way completeness or precision in every respect. It shall only be a motive to examine some important points of modern quantum theory from another perspective. Moreover, the field of quantum theory has increased so enormously that it is not possible at all to cope with all of the raised problems completely. Therefore, to us this way of presentation seems to be most interesting, fascinating and, incidentally, also best understandable. Besides, we point out once more that we claimed a certain freedom of arbitrariness at the beginning of our short physical speculation. At least, we can claim so far that we have stuck to the principle of causality and therefore will continue our efforts along these lines:

Now it is time to speak about the uncharged particles and to integrate them into our model pattern, resp. To this purpose let us briefly return to our two tables of elementary particles. Here we have identified the model TAOu with the μ-meson due to its “shell friendliness”. On the other hand, it is known that there is no uncharged sister particle of the μ-meson.
Now we consider the λ-hyperon that we identify with model Ia. This particle only exists in the uncharged state.
Thus, these two elementary particles provide some kind of extreme cases with respect to the formation of charged and non-charged sister particles.
Now let us examine the spin directions of the two corresponding particle models TaOu and Ia and we must realize that also here we have two extreme cases. Whereas in model TaOu all orbital segments (read: circle arc segments) intersect the spin axis (which is not the case in any other model), in model Ia they move farther away from the spin axis than in all the other models. We will use this important indication for the construction of our uncharged elementary particles.

Now we ask a question similar to that formulated at the beginning of this paper when we explained the Pauli principle: how many additional charges fit on a spherical shell that is already occupied by a charge in the state of free self-interaction, and which rules will apply? Previous Next