The same procedure applies to the term ns in the equation of the electric field; but to explain this we have to go into greater detail:

As we demanded at the very beginning, there should be "magnetic calm" at the nucleus when maintaining our model orbit. From this we had derived this orbit to be nonradiative, since for energy output (radiation of light quanta) both an electric field and a magnetic field are required. We now conclude in the same way: if there is a magnetic field only for one complete revolution, then for a definite energy value the electric field will only exist, if exists. This means that only integral numbers n will qualify for the electric field as well because we want to apply the law of conservation of energy. Therefore, we generalize:

This important theorem pricks up our ears since we actually know such energy packets in the form of light quanta. This means that the light quanta (the electromagnetic waves) are such products of self-interaction. Hence, the dispute about the assignment of wave packets, which can be assigned to the particles in terms of de Broglie waves, amounts to nothing: in the same way as light quanta are products of their self-interaction, also particles (initially the charged ones) show self-interaction - provided that only combinations of and are admissible - meaning that they are waves in nature. In other words, they are able to interact with themselves.

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