In the same way, it can be expected that it is also possible to put in order the table of elementary particles. Such a theory, once established, can be expected to provide a complete picture of the atomic nuclei, for then it will become easy to compose the nuclei from orbited hexahedrons and to identify and calculate their “exchange forces” in terms of coupled self-interaction energies. Further, such a theory will certainly describe the mass defects in terms of changes of self-interaction energies via coupling. Thus we see, that the big mystery of “nuclear forces” can definitely be solved in the foreseeable future. Also, this theory will be able to explain the short range of the nuclear forces. After all, it can be expected that such a theory can also throw some light on the discussion of the “shell or droplet model”.

Likewise, the radioactivity should be expected to reach the state of calculability if one assumes that the protons and neutrons forming the nucleus do not necessarily result in configurations corresponding to the stability theorem.

Furthermore, one day it will possibly be shown that the state function Ψ used in quantum theory can be derived from the theory of elliptical functions because solving the elliptic integrals normally requires such a lot of effort that the formerly productive mathematical procedures will continue to be used, though no longer as a dominant element but as an auxiliary means to explain nature.

Lastly, such a theory could provide a new outlook on “mysterious” natural phenomena such as superconduction, superfluid, very hard cosmic radiation or ball lightning, provided the new standpoint is sufficiently substantiated.

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