
    (difference in energy levels of two electrons „orbiting” around a nucleus)

Eliminating and extending by (Fig. 1):




Essentially, the Sommerfeld fine structure constant is seen in the framed term on the right side of the equation; now the left side of the equation becomes quite interesting. Here we find the relation between two geometric quantities, multiplied by the wavelength of the emitted (or absorbed) light. Maybe the curve encircling the elliptic area is the orbit on which the electron travels while the light quantum is emitted?

There is much in favour of this assumption. First, the fact that the difference between two radii (a level difference) is part of the numerator on the left. We consider the level difference as the difference of two electrical quantities. Secondly, the denominator contains an area that each physicist will relate to a magnetic field. Certainly, one may feel tempted to get to the bottom of the emission mechanism if one imagines that the electron oscillates between the two (emission-free) orbits on the elliptic curve until its energy difference is consumed and it swings into one of the two orbits. When “jumping up” or “jumping down” it should emit an electrical field and - when it reaches the highest possible speed (when touching the inner orbit) - a magnetic field.

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