Using the same arguments we can explain the ionic bond: a place exchange is done in favor of the “slightly disturbed” self-interaction. However, we have just strayed from the subject a bit and will return to lithium. We can add further electrons, knowing that each sphere and each ellipsoid shall be occupied by two electrons until the next one will be built up. It may happen, though, that very excentric orbits sometimes break out of the range of “magnetic calm” and “notice” the external s electron that is not protected against external interaction (Fig. 24). Consequently, we have to demand that these orbits must not be occupied before the orbit of the s type (spherical type) is completely occupied in order to be protected against external interaction.
This rule of thumb fails with chromium first, then for copper and finally will be violated more and more starting from niobium. This is due to the fact that we cannot explain the multi-particle problem using such a simple rule any longer – we cannot even overlook it. Thus, we can summarize by saying that our interpretation of the structure principle is also an indication for the validity of the path explained up to this point. And here the author would like to add some comments: the reader will certainly have noticed by the large number of quotation marks that a certain individuality is ascribed to the electron in the state of self-interaction. This kind of description should be interpreted as follows: we purposefully search for a universal extremal principle that contains the two self-interaction mechanisms (internal and external) and that allows to describe all natural processes as consistently as possible. To this end we have collected material and selected this kind of description. To provide such a principle, it is necessary to answer the following question: Which motive or reason is the crucial factor for the electron to “decide” for one type of interaction or the other? Only due to this we are still unable to explain dynamic processes occurring in the atom (e.g. an illustrative causal model of the radiation mode of a light quantum). Thus, we will continue collecting further indications.
Now let us comment a further question: if the calculation of Planck’s constant is correct, then the approach:
self-interaction energy
of a particle = Ew = moc2