If, however, one accepts the following hypothesis, then actually no magnetic field can be generated at the nucleus:

But as none of the four subareas is continuous in terms of the spatial derivative of the path (from the view of the nucleus) there would be actually "magnetic calm" at the nucleus. Besides, this "calm" exists in the entire interior of the sphere. This assertion (hereinafter referred to as "magnetic field theorem") is really not very extreme if one bears in mind that the magnetic field is an eddy current field. An eddy, however, should only arise, if the generator " the charge " follows a continuous and, in terms of the derivative, closed continuous curvature; otherwise, the generation of an eddy in a frictionless environment is unimaginable. Also, this theorem is not contradictory to macroscopic experience. Therefore, we surmise that the greatest uncertainties in quantum theory lie in the interpretation of magnetic effects. Initially, we provide the radius of the 4 small circular paths. So let's have a look at Figure 4.

(Note: the reader is well-advised to have a hollow glass ball at hand in order to trace this orbit. He will make the following explanations transparent in the true sense of the word.) First, we look in the direction e - f (Fig. 5). The path takes the shape of a rosette whose four lobes each consist of the branch of an ellipse. We accept only one ellipse, and from the myriad of ellipses passing through the origin of coordinates and touching the enveloping circle, we calculate the ellipse that has a common point with the circle and the straight line x = y (Fig. 6). The semi-axis of this ellipse equals the radius of the small circular paths of our orbital path:

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